Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rumors: Tonnes of New Episode VII Plot Details

By: Dominic Jones

Our friends over at have unleashed a fury of new rumored details about Star Wars Episode VII, including set and scene descriptions, mostly focusing on Daisy Ridley and John Boyega's characters, but also clarifying where certain scenes are set.  As always, these are just rumors and could turn out to be false but, if you don't want to know any potential spoilers for Episode VII, stop reading now.  This is your official SPOILER ALERT!
Alright, if you're still with us, let's get to the first rumor.  This rumor deals with a new alien character, a new droid, and what will likely be a pivotal scene in Episode VII.  According to,
Nighttime under the cover of darkness. Four characters convene.

Imagine the next generation of R2 unit. A jump as drastic as the Return of the Jedi Stormtrooper to the Star Wars: Episode VII Stormtrooper. Sleeker, more futuristic, yet somehow still a little bit 1950s with a dash of Art Nouveau included.

The droid is smaller than R2-D2 and Chopper. His head is just above the knee, but not quiet to the hip, he’s tiny. His head is silver like Artoo-Detoo but his markings are red. He has a single eye and two antennas on the top of his head. His neck has a black covering that kind of accordions when he looks around and connects to his body. He is similar to something you might see in Wall-E mixed with one of the senate cams in Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace.  He has a holographic projector in the same place as Artoo-Detoo as well. His head looks up.

He’s cute but kind of sad looking in a way.

Standing next to him we have an alien. He’s slightly taller. His face reminds me of Station from Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey. His eyes are just black and tiny, his mouth is almost a round snout which is sort of like an armadillo. His skin is a darker brown color but in this image it appears blue from the light. He has a towel on his head and his costume appears to be similar to a kimono.

In the foreground, Daisy Ridley’s character Kira stands startled as a character ignites a lightsaber and it is very clear this is an unexpected occurrence and all the characters are startled by the enigmatic beam emitting from the lazer sword just turned on accidentally. John Boyega’s character has the lightsaber in hand as the characters all look on amazed.

Kira’s discovery is further enhanced by Boyega’s character’s discovery. This could be one of the most memorable sequences from the next trilogy of Star Wars films.

That definitely sounds like a very cool scene.  Also, I like the idea that the third member of the "trio of new young leads" could be an alien, it would be a fun twist on what we're used to having three human leads in the last two trilogies.  Also, the new droid sounds interesting.  It sounds like their trying to make him reminiscent of the classic droids, but making it something new and interesting.

This next one deals with deals with Kira's (Daisy Rildey) ship as well as a certain beast from the leaked set photos from TMZ.  It is related in a significant way to an earlier rumor about Kira living in a downed AT-AT, you may want to read that story before continuing.  According to,
Kira has a junker ship which has tow cables that detach from it to pull junk across the sandy planet on which she lives. The cockpit is in the center of the ship and is not unlike a B-29 Bomber. Stylistically it reminds me of the ships from Terminator that attack John Conor’s rebels. The cockpit holds two pilots in the front and there is probably room for more in the short fuselage. The back of the ship fans out. There are no weapons as it is not an attack ship.

The ship has four engines, large engines. The large engines on the bottom are on the sides while two smaller engines sit above it, but close together. Imagine an X-wing fighter from Episode IV if the engines on the bottom where bigger. In some depictions the top of the ship has two X-wing engines for the smaller engines.

The version of the ship parked inside the AT-AT garage has four engines, two on the bottom, two towards the outside and they’re all the same size. There is yet another third design that is bulkier. I believe the first description is the final piece as it appears to be the most designed with a lot of work put into it.

This ship hides in the belly of the fallen AT-AT with two tarps that can close to conceal the ship.
Here’s another interesting note. There is art of a large Star Destroyer with gravity wells crashed in the horizon. Kira is directing a giant pig like what we saw in the TMZ photos towards a station. The driver on the giant pig is abstract but appears to be the alien from the lightsaber photos in other depictions. What are they towing? An X-wing fighter, one you’ve all seen.

This is how Kira salvages her X-wing for the film, most likely. There is some indication that the ship is used to get Kira’s and the giant pig is used to get Boyega’s. But that’s not entirely clear for now.

Very interesting.  This of course lines up with the story from earlier about Kira living in a downed AT-AT.  The visuals alone are very striking.  Hopefully we'll get a good look at that ship soon.

And finally, this rumor deals with the now infamous set at Greenham Common and where in the galaxy that might be and isn't! According to,
The Rebel base on Yavin and the Greenham Common set are not the same sets at all, they’re entirely different.

The rebel base at Greenham Common is nearly identical to what we’ve seen in the drone photos from last month. There the Millennium Falcon is sitting on the runway area while X-wings are stored in the hangers. If you’re curious as to how CGI will probably be used in the film, there are lots of large transmitters and radar dishes that adorn the tops of the grassy area above the hangers. These things were not built for the physical set so it is safe to say they will be composited in later to dress the location’s otherworldly look. There are trees in the distance but they are like those found in England, very unlike Yavin.

The Yavin base is another location called “The Pirate’s Cove.” X-wings are docked in the temple just as you would imagine from back during the battle on the first Death Star. However, netting hangs down from the top of the hanger, loosely in places. The location is foggy and not clear as if a morning fog or mist has just came in and rain was recently on the ground. The trees are very much a different sort of thing than what you would see on the Greenham Common planet’s base, which is a giant field with trees off to the horizon. One is a jungle the others is wooded. This is a temple with a lush and dense amount of tall trees just outside it. The Massassi Temple from Star Wars: Episode IV was examined closely to capture the same feel and essence of the initial rebel base.

It very interesting that they would go back to Yavin to me.  I never thought of Yavin as being more than just the location for the Rebel Base, and was against the idea of Greenham Common being Yavin.  Well, I guess I was partially right.  I'm intrigued as to why they would go back to Yavin and to find out what exactly is going on at Greenham Common

As always these are just rumors until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.

Big shout our to our friends at for getting their hands on these fascinanting rumors!

Sources: MSW1, MSW2, MSW3

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Unknown said...

If you read the books Luke opens up a Jedi Academy on Yavin Four so they could be linking that

Ryan230876 said...

Well sounds like there taking at least some aspects of the books regardless of how they say their not even changing some of the names is still using parts of the books and Luke was exiled in the books so hopefully we'll find out more as time goes on

Norell said...

I just really hope they don't erase too much from the original story painted by the books. This film could fit into the current Star Wars canon without erasing anything...

kenkraly2004 said...

Getting really tired of the rumors at this point. I will be glad when we get some official news on Star Wars Episode 7.

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