Saturday, August 23, 2014

Rumor: Identity of Episode VII Villain Revealed

By: Dominic Jones

The question of who the villain of Star Wars Episode VII has been the question fans have been asking since the film was announced.  And now we may have our answer.  While this is just a rumor and needs to be taken with a grain of salt, if you are trying to avoid all details about the plot of the film, stop reading now.  This is your official SPOILER ALERT! 
Latino Review is reporting that the main bad guy will be not other than Darth Sidious!  But not in the way your expecting.  Unlike prior rumors which suggested that Ian McDiarmid would be returning to the part, LR is reporting that the part will be played by a new actor.  

This seems to be an interesting rumor, however I have a hard time believing it.  I strongly doubt that the Emperor will be returning in anything beyond a cameo as a holocron (played by McDiarmid).  I also think it would be weird to have Palpatine change his face in the films.  If this were to turn out to be true and Palpatine does change his face, it would take some serious explaining to make it convincing.   Plus it would take an incredible actor to follow in McDiarmid's shoes as McDiarmid was a highlight of every Star Wars film he was in.  But if anyone can pull it off, it's JJ Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, and Kathleen Kennedy.

As always this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.

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