Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Breaking: Details Revealed About Weapons Expert Sabine


By: Lillian Skye

Sabine is a weapons expert who likes to blow things up with explosives, and according Tina Sircar, the voice behind Sabine, she "does it with flare."

Joel Aron, CG Supervisor for the show, comments that whether it's the dyed tips of her hair or through graffiti expressing the Rebellion, Sabine likes to express herself through art. Sabine likes to leave the symbol of Rebellion--the Phoenix--anywhere her ventures take her. Familiar Star Wars characters such as Cad Bane and Embo have already been popping up in Sabin's graffiti, so her art is something to pay close attention to. Maybe it will reveal more details about her past as well as the futures of some of  popular Clone Wars characters?

A character who is sassy yet serious, Sircar adds that she's "not a prissy little girl."

"She's definitely one who has turned against the Empire, and that's going to be for the Rebels' benefit," adds Dave Filoni. Plus, it has been confirmed that Sabine is in fact Mandalorian, however it has not yet been revealed whether she was born into the culture or adopted into it. Since she is Mando'a, Filoni adds that she has a great understanding of weapons and arms."

Watch the video interviews of the cast and crew for more on the spunky Sabine:


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