Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fan Art: Erik Stitt's Episode VII Poster

Check out fan artist Erik Stitt's awesome concept poster for the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII, aptly titled: Star Wars Episode VII

Star Wars Episode VII (titled)
Acrylic Paint and Colored Pencil on
20 X 30 Gessoed Board
Copyright 2014 Erik Stitt

Check out more Erik's art on his webiste: http://erikstittart.blogspot.com/


Erik Stitt said...

Thank you so, so much for featuring my art!! I am deeply humbled and very appreciative of this opportunity. Most kind of you!

Anonymous said...

Not a bad overall look, but Leia is all wrong. Carrie Fisher looks much better than that.

Anne Hogue-Boucher said...

Excellent concept piece! I think they look appropriate for their ages, and it's quite realistic.

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