Friday, November 15, 2013

Rumor: J.J Abrams Not Talking To Mark Hamill, Ewan McGregor & Sam Jackson

By: Benjamin Hart

Mark Hamill, Ewan McGregor and Samuel L. Jackson are not only familiar to Star Wars fans for playing Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Mace Windu, respectively, but all three have made headlines during this past year of speculation surrounding Star Wars Episode VII. The trio are just a few of the actors that could make a return to the Galaxy far, far away in 2015. Sam Jackson recently appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman where he had some interesting things to say about J.J Abrams:

"I asked Mark if he'd heard from J.J. Abrams and he said, 'No', and then all of a sudden, Ewan was there (in London) and I spoke to him on the phone, asked him if he was there doing Star Wars. He said, 'No, they haven't called me.'.... So I was thinking, maybe all three of us could just get together and go over to the Star Wars set and just stand around and see if maybe they could use some old Jedi! And then I heard on television they were auditioning people for Star Wars and I said, 'Well, maybe we should just go through the auditions and see if we can get a job!'....  "I pretty much hinted to J.J. that I wanted to be in the film at George Lucas' wedding, and he was kinda like, 'Mmm', that was about the most I got out of him."

You can watch a portion of the interview here:

Sam Jackson has publicly lobbied for a role in Episode VII for months now, but we've heard nothing to suggest that he might actually be involved with the film. Ewan McGregor, however, has been been rumored to be returning as the Force ghost of Obi-Wan in Episode VII, and has said he would like to be involved on more than one occasion. Mark Hamill's return would be the most logical and he has been rumored to be involved for some time. There have been several reports that seemingly confirmed Mark would be be back as Luke Skywalker. Mark himself said "They're talking to us" when referring to Lucasfilm. George Lucas let it slip that both Mark, Carrie Fisher & Harrison Ford had signed on for the film. And even a friend of Mark's claimed he was training for the role

So why the conflicting reports? It could simply be Mark Hamill has been sworn to secrecy by Disney/Lucasfilm and was forced to be untruthful with Sam. Or he could be telling the truth, perhaps he's only been talking Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas as of late. Or, worst case scenario, he is not going to be in Episode VII. No matter what, nothing is official until Lucasfilm or Disney says it is, so take this report with a grain of salt and move along... Move along...

So what do you think of all this? Will Luke, Obi-Wan & Mace appear in Episode VII? Let us know why or why not in the comments below, or on Facebook!

Special thanks to our friends at Star Wars Geeks Of The World, Unite for alerting us to this news!


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