Friday, November 15, 2013

Maul: Lockdown Micro Excerpt and Release Date Change

By: Dominic Jones

The official Star Wars Books Facebook Page has announced that the release date for Joe Schreiber's upcoming novel Star Wars: Maul: Lockdown has been moved back one week from January 21st to January 28th.  The novel is Schreiber's third novel in the Star Wars universe, following Death Troopers and Red Harvest.   It is set prior to the events of Episode I and follows Darth Maul on a dangerous mission for Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis. 

In addition, the the first micro-excerpt from the novel, check it out below:

Maul stared at the thing. The gray slope of its face was a surgeon’s nightmare of ritualistic scars, metal rings and studs, wire loops, and hooks, with bluish sacks pulsating beneath its eyes, all of it siphoning down and inward toward a gaping, razor-toothed mouth. Even its arms seemed to have been plucked from two different organisms. The right hand was a blunt-knuckled fist, the left an elongated spider-fingered claw. Together they formed a mallet and blade, one made for pounding, the other for slashing. It was the right that had come careening out of nowhere just seconds before, slamming Maul backward and knocking out one of his teeth.

The thing reached down and picked up Maul’s incisor from the floor of the cell. Straightening up, it shoved the tooth into an empty space in its own mouth, twisting it until it lodged in place. Then it grinned at Maul as if asking how he liked the sight of one of his teeth in its mouth—another trophy for its collection.

Maul gazed back at it.
And then the rage came.

And the rage was good.


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