Friday, November 1, 2013

Caption Contest Results | 11/1/13

By: Benjamin Hart

Here we are again with another caption contest! This week our Facebook fans captioned a photo of this Dog in a Yoda costume. The hilarious results are below:

1st Place | By: Robert Colichio

2nd Place

Poo, or poo not. There is no try.
By: Richard Hall, Benjamin James & Luke Atnip

By: Pickens Hair

"Train you in the Force, I shall. But first, treat you must give."
By: Ryan Armstrong

3rd Place

In this costume, my dark side reach to lick, I cannot!
By: Cheshire Pixie

Give me a treat, you will.
By: Chris Campbell

A present, I left on your floor.
By: JR Thompson

Judge me by my size, do you? In your purse, I will fit.
By: Brian Frazier

Baby Chewie decked out in his Yoda costume.
By: Adam McGlynn

Pooh in your lawn, I just did.
By: Donald Foronda

Kill you for this, I will.
By: Heidi Bentley Oller

Dog treat you give, hmmm?
By: Cori Williams 

Pooped on the floor I have. Into exile I must go.
Rodney Crnkovic

Congrats to the winners and big thanks to those who participated! We have more caption contests going up every Wednesday on our Facebook page so be sure to 'Like' us and don't miss them!


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