Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rumor: Disney Denies Lucasfilm's Request Move Episode VII Release Date to 2016

By: Dominic Jones

The Hollywood Reporter has new report on the production of Star Wars Episode VII.  THR is reporting that, according multiple sources, Disney CEO Bob Iger denied a request from Lucasfilm president and Star Wars Episode VII producer Kathleen Kennedy to move the film's release date to 2016.  

Many have speculated that given all that goes into the production of a Star Wars film, and the inclusion of director JJ Abrams on the project, that the film would be delayed, at the very least, from summer 2015, until Christmas 2015.  However, according to THR, "Unlike Kennedy, Abrams is said to be more in sync with Iger's desire to meet the 2015 release target -- which allows zero margin for error -- at all costs."

It's a very intriguing situation, and a tad worrisome.  If the film turns out to be a disappointment, fans will point to this moment as Disney meddling too much with Star Wars and affecting the product.  However, should the film turn out to be a universal success no one will even remember this.

Personally, I'm not sure what to think of this.  I honestly believe that a 2015 release date can be met without affecting the quality of the film, and I understand Disney has a plan for Star Wars going forward over the next few years starting in 2015.  But, at the same time, it worries me to see that Disney isn't willing to move the release date back at the request of one of the most successful producers in Hollywood.

What do you think of all this?  Let us know in the comments section below, on Facebook, and/or on Twitter.


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