Saturday, April 13, 2013

Rumor: Star Wars: Reclamation Revealed

By: Benjamin Hart

Speculation has been swirling recently since Dave Filoni confirmed new animated Star Wars projects are in the works. Now is reporting that a poster on the IMD message boards, who claims to be a former Lucasfilm employee, has posted a document with character descriptions and overviews of an animated series titled "Star Wars: Reclamation".

The Poster claims: "might be talking about this. we'd been working on details of it since early last year but didn't know the details until a few months ago. got the greenlight in january but stopped everything when the layoffs hit.... i could probably get in trouble, but oh wait, i don't work there anymore... who knows if this is the same project though, everything was dicey" 

The story takes place 15 years after the battle of Endor with the Rebellion/Republic struggling with a continued Civil War with remnants of the Empire. Leia Organa is mentioned as "Vice chair" to "Supreme Chancellor Mon Mothma" but the familiar characters end there. The document goes on to describe two Jedi named Sky Bonteri and Evyn Aoka, a teenage criminal named Kala Calrissian and a Mandalorian called Manco among others. Han Solo & Chewbacca are not mentioned, but a character called The Shade who's described as "Armed with nothing but a Lightsaber and an astromech droid... clad in black...", Luke Skywalker anyone?

You can check out all the pages from the document below:


Now this could very well be fan fiction for all we know so take all this with a massive grain of salt. Regardless, it is intriguing. We will keep you updated on future developments with this story. In the meantime, we want to hear from you! Is this a joke? Or could this be the next Star Wars animated series?  Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook!

Update: The good folks at made contact with Lucasfillm Spokeswoman Tracy Cannobbio who confirmed that Reclamation is not real. Stating: "This is something we've never seen before."


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