Friday, April 12, 2013

Caption Contest Winners | 4/12/13

By: Benjamin Hart

We asked our Facebook fans to caption this picture of Lando Calrissian & Han Solo. We had many great submissions this week, so many that I added a "Honorable Mentions" category at the end. So without further  ado, enjoy:

1st Place | By: Schad Russell

2nd Place

Lando: I'll tell ya Han someday this series will be so big even Disney will own it. And they'll probably continue our adventures but have to make sacrifices by axing other things.
Han: Won't that piss off the masses and people who want to see those things continued? 
Lando: All about the money Han. All about the money.
By: Stephen Murphy

Lando: See? I told you. Spielberg is dipping his hands into Star Wars.
Han: Nah. He's just asking George about the use of puppets.
Lando: Well when you wind up in another alien movie, you just remember one thing, Han 'ol buddy. ...I was the only BLACK Harvey Dent in Batman.
By: Greg Harris

See that giant silo over there? ...that's where I plan to store my colt 45.
By: Doug Chopin

3rd Place

Lando: You see that old YT-1300?
Han: Yeah?
Lando: Can you believe she makes .5 past lightspeed?
Han: That is pretty fast. Say... You care to play a game of Sabaac?
By: Matt Riffkin

"Don't worry old buddy, I'm your wingman.... I'll distract Luke by inviting his father for a surprise visit, and you can make your move on the Princess."
By: Christopher Laserbeam LeBeau

That's a Carbon-freezing chamber. You want to use it right?
By Alejandro Cesar Sanchez

See, all I did to her was knock off that little teensy satellite dish, and we can pick up one of those in Mos Eisley.
By: Mike Brassballs Trovillo

Honorable Mentions:

See all the bantha poodoo I don't give
By: Alex Yazie Duskfall

"I got 99 problems, but the Empire ain't one!
Oops, now they are...."
By: Jim Beutel

"Ya see that horizon there..... all across it Han.... imagine a fleet of 'em, Millennium Falcons...... Millennium Falcons everywhere"
By: Matthew Kane

Lookout for future caption contests (almost) every Wednesday on our Facebook page!


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