For years now Star Wars fans have been clamoring for a truly great single-player Star Wars video game, and it looks like we might finally get it in the form of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Back at E3 we were treated to some amazing gameplay footage and a new trailer for the game. And now EA has revealed even more gameplay that is sure to get fans even more excited.
This new "extended cut" gameplay video is a different playthrough of the same Kashyyyk map shown in the earlier gameplay footage. Only this footage is more than twice as long as the first video and features more gameplay from earlier on in the map. In this footage you can see Cal and BD-1 take control of an AT-AT and witness their first meeting with Saw Gerrera, which was teased in the most recent trailer. You also get a glimpse at more of Jedi: Fallen Order's game mechanics and how you interact with other characters, specifically Cal's allies Greez Dritus and Cere Junda, as well being able to board the game's primary ship, the Stinger Mantis. You can see the new gameplay for yourself below:
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order makes the jump to Xbox One, PS4 and PC on November 15th!
Source: EA Star Wars(YouTube)
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