By: Dominic Jones
We're now less than fifty days away from Star Wars Celebration Chicago, Lucasfilm's official fan convention, taking place April
11th-15th at McCormmick Place. And as we get closer, the organizers of the event are revealing more and more about what we can expect to see that weekend. Today, it was announced that a 20th anniversary of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace panel will be held on Monday. In addition, eight more celebrity guests were announced.
The 20th anniversary of The Phantom Menace panel will take place on Monday April 15th on the Celebration Stage (which is located in Wintrust Arena). No time or guests were announced, though hopefully Lucasfilm has a few surprises up their sleeve. The panel was announced on the official Star Wars Celebration Instagram account, which posted the following,
In addition, eight celebrity guest were also announced. The guests will be on hand to sign autographs and meet fans (and hopefully participate in panels). The guests are, Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian in the original trilogy and Episode IX), Alan Tudyk (K-2SO in Rogue One), Freddie Prinze Jr (Kanan Jarrus on Star Wars Rebels), Taylor Gray (Ezra Bridger on Star Wars Rebels), Julian Glover (General Veers in The Empire Strikes Back), John Morton (Dak in The Empire Strikes Back), Michael Culver (Captain Needa in The Empire Strikes Back), and Anthony Forrest (Sandtrooper in A New Hope).
Previously announced guests include a trio of iconic characters, a multitude of voice actors and onscreen stars, co-stars from across the saga, some of the co-stars of the new films, a group of Star Wars authors, ILM's Rob Bedrow, six Star Wars voice actors, and stage hosts Warwick Davis, David Collins, and Amy Ratcliffe.
Star Wars Celebration Chicago takes place at McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois from April 11th-15th. Tickets are available here.
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