Monday, December 18, 2017

Rian Johnson Discusses the Meaning of "Broom Boy" in 'The Last Jedi'

By: Dominic Jones


The final scene in Star Wars: The Last Jedi is unlike any other scene in Star Wars.  Once our heroes have been reunited aboard the Millennium Falcon, the film cuts back to Canto Bight and we see the kids we'd seen in the stables earlier and one of them is telling a story about Luke Skywalker.  Moments later they are chased out by a slave master and then we see one of them use the Force to pull his broom to him.  He then poses with the broom as if it were a lightsaber, while looking towards the stars and wearing the Rebel Alliance ring that Rose gave him earlier in the film.  Fans have dubbed this character "Broom Boy."

While the scene has been divisive among Star Wars fans, with some feeling the scene felt out of place towards in the larger film.  The Last Jedi writer/director Rian Johnson discussed the ending during a special live Q&A hosted by Entertainment Weekly's Anthony Breznican.  Johnson said,

"To me, it shows that the act Luke Skywalker did, of deciding to take on this mantle of ‘the legend,’ after he had decided the galaxy was better off with, had farther reaching consequences than saving 20 people in a cave."

The scene reinforces the message that is central to Star Wars (and was front and center in last year's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story): Hope.  It also calls back nicely to the line earlier in the film about the Rebel Alliance/Resistance symbol being a rallying cry for the downtrodden in the galaxy. 

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in theaters now!

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