By: Dominic Jones
Fans of the Star Wars "Legends" story telling (the books, comics, and video games released prior to September 2014) should pay extra attention to a certain scene in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Supervising Sound Editor Matt Wood revealed in a recent interview with /Film that a nod to those stories can be heard in the new film when Rey approaches the Force tree on Ach-To. During the scene, a chant can be heard that is luring Rey towards to tree where the ancient Jedi texts are kept on the island.
Wood had spoken previously about what went into creating the chant, but in this new interview with /Film he confirmed what it says. The chant is the Jedi Code, which was first established in the old "Legends" books. Wood told /Film,
"One of the members of the story group gave it to me. And it was from an old thing that was produced a long time ago. (...) That thing is called the Jedi Code. Leland Chee from
the story group at Lucasfilm gave me the Jedi Code and it’s in Legends
right now, but it’s like a four-sentence thing that we used about peace,
knowledge, serenity and the Force. Emotion."
For those unfamiliar, the Jedi Code from "Legends" goes like this,
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
(There is no chaos, there is harmony.)
There is no death, there is the Force.
The Jedi code has shown up "new canon" material before. Author Christie Golden included it in the 2015 novel Star Wars: Dark Disciple, which is set during the Clone Wars, and it has popped up in a few other comic books since then. Additionally, the Sith Code, which also comes from "Legends", has been part of the current Star Wars canon for some time now. Voice actor Sam Witwer pushed for the Sith Code's inclusion in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Brothers", where Darth Maul recites fragments of it as he descends into madness.
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