During the production of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, director Rian Johnson carried around a camera with him and took pictures of the behind the scenes experience. Some of those pictures he posted on Instagram, others he revealed during Star Wars Celebration (Europe and Orlando), and other still were released during the promotion of the movie in the past few weeks. And soon fans will be able to purchase a book of Johnson's pictures from the set.
Johnson revealed this during an interview with /Film. He explained that originally he had put together a small book of his pictures for the crew, and now he was working with Disney to put together a full book for wide release. Johnson said,
"Yeah, I had that camera on my shoulder the whole shoot. I literally took thousands of shots. So we’ve been already working and on Looper, I did the exact same thing, but I just did like a little book for the crew. Because this is what it is, I think we’re gonna put together a really nice book and put it out there maybe try and do like a little exhibit or something. We print them up big or something."
I think this is a great idea. It's been a lot of fun seeing Johnson's pictures from the set and a book (or exhibit) would be a really cool new way of experiencing the making of the film.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in theaters now.
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