Saturday, October 14, 2017

Tag & Bink To Appear In The 'Han Solo' Film

By: Benjamin Hart

Yes, you read that headline correctly. A couple of classic Star Wars comic book characters have managed to make their way into the untitled Han Solo standalone film! Tag and Bink are canon!

Director Ron Howard stirred up the fanbase earlier today when he posted a photo on Twitter of himself on set with a duo of Imperial officers with the caption; "TagAndBink?". Of course, this led to a flurry of excitement coming from fans of the comics, and even the creator of Tag and Bink, Kevin Rubio, shared his reaction to the news. Soon after Jon Kasdan, who co-wrote the Han Solo film with his father Lawrence Kasdan, further confirmed that Tag and Bink are indeed in the film, and that himself and first assistant director Toby Hefferman will be playing the parts:

For those who aren't familiar with the characters, Tag Greenley and Bink Otauna starred in a handful of comics series in the early 2000's, debuting in their very own comic series, "Tag & Bink Are Dead", on October 3rd, 2001. Tag and Bink are best known for their humorous storylines which intertwined with the plotlines of the Original and Prequel Trilogies and had them crossing paths with many of the main characters of the saga. A great example of their adventures can be seen below:

This is really awesome and just goes to show the passion that both Ron Howard and Jon Kasdan have for the Star Wars saga and their film. It will be interesting to see what kind of roles Tag and Bink will have in the Han Solo film, which is due for release on May 25th, 2018!

Source: Twitter(Ron Howard)

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