Friday, March 24, 2017

Gareth Edwards Discusses the Final Darth Vader Scene in 'Rogue One'

By: Dominic Jones

One of the most iconic moments of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is when Darth Vader faces off against a group of Rebel soldiers in a darkened hallway.  Director Gareth Edwards recently sat down with Wired to discuss the making of that final scene.  He reveals that the scene was a late addition, being shot only four months before the film's release.  He also spoke about the difficulty in recreating the Death Star plans prop that Leia places in R2 in A New Hope, as well as what it was like filming his own cameo in that scene.  You can check out the video below,

There was so much talk last summer about the now infamous reshoots and what that meant for the film.  Knowing that this scene was added to the film as part of the reshoots only makes it clearer that they were for the best.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is available as a digital download now, and hits on blu-ray and DVD on April 4th.

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