Saturday, February 4, 2017

Jimmy Smits Discusses His Return As Bail Organa in 'Rogue One'

By: Benjamin Hart

Veteran actor Jimmy Smits is known for a variety of roles in TV and film, more recently starring in Netflix's The Get Down, as well the upcoming Fox Drama 24: Legacy. But to Star Wars fans he will always be known as Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan.

Last year saw Smits' highly anticipated return to the role in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, where Bail appeared amongst a throng of Rebel leaders and soldiers on Yavin IV prior to the fateful battle of Scarif. Rotten Tomatoes caught up with Jimmy Smits earlier this week to talk about several of his current projects. They specifically inquired about Rogue One's much discussed reshoots, and he provided an intriguing response:

RT: There were reshoots to Rogue One. Did you do any different versions of your scenes, like when you say, “I trust her with my life?”

Smits: No. That was one of the reasons why I did it, because that little scene there meant a lot to me. I’m so happy that the film has done well, because it meant a lot, I think, to the franchise to do this whole thing that the standalone films would be just as substantive and good as the others, so that they can have a life themselves.

Although Bail Organa's appearance in Rogue One was brief, it was definitely a meaningful one. It's nice to see that the significance of his scenes were not lost on the actor himself. I, for one, hope we get to see even more of Jimmy Smits as Bail in future films to come.

You can read more of the interview with Jimmy Smits over at Rotten Tomatoes.

Source: Rotten Tomatoes

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