By: Dominic Jones
With the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story now less than two weeks away(!), the internet has been flooded with interviews the cast and crew did various media outlets. Yesterday we presented you with a compilation of excerpts from those interviews, which you can check out here. Below are several more excerpts from interviews that have been released today.
Felicity Jones (Jyn Erso) sat down with Access Hollywood. Check it out below,
Mads Mikkelsen (Galen Erso) made a surprise appearance at Disney World during the event where the EPCOT Spaceship Earth was turned into the Death Star and a new clip from the film was released. Check out Mikkelsen's appearance below,
Riz Ahmed (Bodhi Rook) spoke with iO9 about playing an "average Joe" in the Star Wars universe, saying,
"Hopefully characters like Finn and Bodhi Rook are resonant within that
canvas, because they’re just like everyman characters. They’re just
average Joes. I think there’s something quite inspiring to be taken from
that. Greatness, and making significant contributions, and making a
change doesn’t just fall to those who are born into the right family,
who are part of the right clan, or had the right grandfather or
whatever. It’s in your hands, too. You can step up, and if you stand up
for what you believe in and you take a risk, you can make a difference. I
think that’s a potent message in that context."
Director Gareth Edwards spoke with Mashable about George Lucas' reaction to the film, saying,
"I knew he was going to see it, but didn't know when. Then I was in a
meeting at [special effects facility] Industrial Light and Magic, and
[Lucasfilm president] Kathy [Kennedy] was late. We were told
'don't worry, it's for a good reason.' She came in, George was on the
phone, and he'd just watched it. I don't want to put words into his mouth, but I can die happy now.
He liked it a lot ... He's kind of God. I will take that conversation to
my grave."
Diego Luna (Cassian Andor) spoke with Uproxx about his character, saying,
"He’s fighting for the Rebellion. He’s been fighting all his life and
obviously coming from a traumatic experience that makes him decide to go
all they way and put his life aside and just fight for the cause.
That’s what makes him a true hero. He’s putting aside what I would never
put aside. If someone asked me not to see my kids or not to be the
parents of my kids, I would be like, “No way.” And this guy, his life is
the Rebellion. His best friend is a droid. So, he’s a pretty lonely
character – a very mysterious man. A spy, basically. So he has a lot of
information and he has seen many things he’d like to forget."
Luna also spoke with /Film about some of the training and research he did for the role, saying,
"I talked to ex-military, ex-Navy, Marines. It was simple stuff about how
to patrol, how to move as a team, what are the rules of getting into an
enemy’s territory. I camped one day with them, so we went into the
woods, found the perfect place for camping. What things are you looking
for in order to be safe, you know? And how you should already know what
the [enemy] is doing. How to be sure what the others are doing and how
to move without having to be connecting visually or by comms. As a team,
there are some rules you can never break. I needed to know those rules.
And also, hearing their experiences, you know? Hearing how it feels to
be away, how it feels to be in a conflict, how if feels to have an
enemy. That idea. To me, war is so far from something I understand. I
needed to get it. I needed to understand what keeps you sane, what keeps
you fighting. What things would you do to the enemy when you capture
one and what things they would do to you, because Cassian has been
captured more than once. All of this knowledge, I needed to have. I
wrote pages of what these guys gave me, to have as material for my
Luna also spoke with iO9 about working with Alan Tudyk (K-2SO), saying,
"His humor is so sharp and sarcastic. It’s just so much fun. Because
there was so much pressure sometimes, it was great to be able to relax a
little bit and laugh, and remind ourselves how lucky we were. Alan was
great at that, and he’s just a very generous person. He understands the
big difference between thinking this is a race you’re doing by yourself,
or how much this job depends on your partners. It’s about the ping-pong
you can play, you know?"
Executive Producer and ILM legend John Knoll spoke with about bringin Darth Vader back in Rogue One. Via,
"That's a bit of a hybrid," Knoll said of Darth Vader's look in the
film. "If you look in New Hope, especially like that white corridor
scene at the beginning you can see all these smudges and all these
fingerprints on there because it was cast from a clay sculpt. Then by
the time we got to Empire Strikes Back they made a new one that was like
really polished and smooth and shiny and perfect. The chest plate is
different in every film.
"We matched more the, what the chest plate looked like in Episode IV, but a little bit more of the high polish that's in Episode V."
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on December 16th.
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