Monday, September 5, 2016

New Black Series 'Rogue One' & 'The Force Awakens' Titanium Series Helmets Uncovered

By: Benjamin Hart

One of the newest additions to Hasbro's Titanium Series, which is part of the Black Series line, is a new selection of the die-cast mini-helmets. While we've previously seen helmets based on ones from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, including Kylo Ren's, Captain Phasma's and X-Wing Pilot's, there's still plenty more on the way.

Yakface has revealed photos of two new sets of Titanium series helmets. One of the two-packs includes a First Order TIE Fighter pilot's helmet, along with Finn's First Order Stormtrooper helmet with bloody fingerprints:

The second set is the first we've seen released for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It includes a Death Trooper helmet and a Rebel Commando helmet:

We can assume these will be among the items available on September 30th!

Source: Yakface

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