Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Report: 'The Force Awakens' UK Blu-ray Release Coming April 18th

By: Dominic Jones

Looks like fans in the UK will have to wait a little bit longer to get their hands on the blu-ray release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  The release date for the US blu-ray has long been rumored to be April 5th (with the digital release coming March 15th, though both dates remain unconfirmed).   Jedi News spotted a new The Force Awakens themed ad for Duracell batteries, which states that the release date for the film on blu-ray in the UK is April 18th. 

It's always possible that the April 5th date we've been hearing for the last month or so is wrong and the film will come out the same day everywhere.  However, it's not unheard of for films to have different release dates depending on the country.   Hopefully we'll get an official announcement about the home media releases for The Force Awakens soon.

Source: Jedi News

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