Friday, March 11, 2016

Pictures of New Characters on the 'Episode VIII' Set in Dubrovnik

By: Dominic Jones

Location filming for Star Wars Episode VIII is taking place right now in Dubrovnik, Croatia.  Over the past few weeks we have seen pictures of the sets as they were constructed in the city streets.  Now, with filming under way on those sets, some new characters have been spotted.  These are not huge spoilers, it looks to be mostly extras, but if you are trying to avoid all Episode VIII spoilers stop reading now.  This is your SPOILER ALERT!

The images come by way of the Croatian website DuList.  Check them out below,

There looks to be some very cool stuff going on.  The costumes those guys are wearing are pretty interesting. I also think they look a little reminiscent of the Naboo guards.  Perhaps we'll be seeing another instance of royalty in Star Wars (there are reports that there will be some filming taking place in a palace in Dubrovnik) or maybe they are some sort of local police force on whatever planet this is.  It definitely appears like we'll be seeing a more civilized aspect of the galaxy in this film, after spending most of The Force Awakens on the periphery.  Or maybe we'll be visiting some crime lord who likes to think of themself as civilized, hence the guards uniforms.  But all that's just speculation on my part.

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