Friday, March 11, 2016

Funko Reveals Plo Koon & Kit Fisto Pop! Figures & More

By: Benjamin Hart

Funko's Pop! bobble head figures seem to get more popular all the time, but collectors are becoming vocal about which characters they want to see as Pops that have yet to be made. Thankfully Funko is listening. Recently, many Star Wars fans have pointed out the lack of figures for characters from the Prequel Trilogy era. Tonight, Funko took to Periscope to unveil some new Star Wars Pop! figures, which included Kit Fisto and Plo Koon Pops, along with an AT-AT Driver and Ree Yees. A close look at the packaging also reveals a Blue Senate Guard and (what appears to be) three different Luke Skywalker figures. You can see screenshots from their presentation below:

No word yet on exactly when we can expect to see these on shelves, but it does appear that at least the Plo Koon, Kit Fisto and AT-AT Driver will be Walgreens exclusives. I know I can't wait to get my hands on them!

Source: Funko(Periscope)
Via: Yakface

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