Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Detailed Preview Descriptions for the Remaining 'Star Wars Rebels' Season Two Episodes

By: Dominic Jones

Star Wars Rebels is taking the week off before entering its final run of episode culminating in the two part finale "Twilight of the Apprentice" on March 30th.  Jedi-Bliothek came across some detailed, German descriptions previewing the final four episodes of the season.  Be warned, Minor Spoilers ahead (especially for next week's episode!)  Check out the translated descriptions below,

The Forgotten Droid: After a hasty escape Chopper is accidentally left at an abandoned base. He promptly stows away aboard an Imperial freighter and makes friends with an Imperial droid. Chopper manages to recruit him for the Rebels and gains his help in finding a location for the urgently needed Rebel base.

The Mystery of Chopper Base: Kanan and Ezra are preparing to depart with Ahsoka in order to solve the mystery of the Sith in the heart of the Empire. Meanwhile the Rebels are inspecting their new base. Unfortunately, the planet is infested by ruthless creatures that the Rebels need to fend off while finding a way to save the base.

Twilight of the Apprentice (Pts I & II): Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka follow an Inquisitor to the planet Malachore. They hope to capture and interrogate him in order to get information about Darth Vader. Soon they meet another individual planning to attack the Sith…

That other individual in Twilight of the Apprentice is most likely Darth Maul, who was recently seen tempting Ezra to the Dark Side in a Rebels preview.  As for the next two weeks, some have noticed that the cast is being kept a secret for The Forgotten Droid, leading to speculation that we are in for a surprise appearance.  The question is, who?

Source: Jedi-Bibliothek

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