Saturday, February 20, 2016

'The Force Awakens' Producer Discusses An Alternate Final Shot

By: Benjamin Hart

Along with everything else that it brought to the Galaxy far, far away, Star Wars: The Force Awakens gave us the most unique final scenes of any Star Wars film to date. The aerial panning shot of Rey and Luke on the cliff just before the iris out in the credits was a stunning end to an emotional scene and film, but it could have been different. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Co-producer Ben Rosenblatt recently spoke about his work on The Force Awakens at the Hollywood Professional Association Tech Retreat in Palm Springs, California. He explains that an alternate version of the scene was considered. THR reports:

"The final shot of the film was lensed from a helicopter, looking down at Rey and Luke, but Rosenblatt admitted that director J.J. Abrams was conflicted about using that shot or concluding with a close-up of Rey. He added that the decision was driven by John Williams' score, and it "left you with this sweeping emotional epic [feel], and you’re going to see a lot of that in Episode VIII.”

He also added that approximately 482 different versions of The Force Awakens were produced to accommodate different aspect ratios, numerous languages and more, making last minute changes daunting.. He also talked about about high dynamic range (HDR) in relation to The Force Awakens.

I personally really liked the last shot we see in the film. I also find it interesting that it could be at least somewhat representative of what we will be seeing in Episode VIII. Would have rather have seen a different shot? Let us know the comments below!

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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