Friday, February 26, 2016

Descriptions for the Final Episodes of 'Star Wars Rebels' Season Two

By: Dominic Jones

Disney has released the descriptions for the final bunch of episodes Star Wars Rebels Season Two. Check them out below,

"Shroud of Darkness": Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka return to the Jedi Temple on Lothal, seeking answers from Yoda about the Inquisitors’ ability to continually track the rebels.…  (Air date: March 3rd)

"The Forgotten Droid": When Chopper gets left behind at an Imperial outpost, he forms an unlikely friendship with an Imperial droid, and discovers a base location for the rebels.… (Air date: March 16th)

"The Mystery of Chopper Base": Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka prepare to depart to unravel Vader’s secret, while the rebels find a way to fend off the predatory creatures that occupy the planet.… (Air date: March 23rd)

"Twilight of the Apprentice Pt I & II": After gaining information about the Sith, Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka battle the Inquisitors with the help of a new ally, but are overmatched when Vader arrives.… (Air Date: March 30th)

It sounds like there will be more of a consistent story running through these episodes then there has been for most of this season.  Star Wars Rebels airs Wednesdays at 9pm on Disney XD.

Source: Disney

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