Friday, January 8, 2016

New 'The Force Awakens' Featurette Focuses On Oscar Isaac & His Uncle

By: Benjamin Hart

Ever since he was cast in The Force Awakens we have heard a lot about about Oscar Isaac's life long love of Star Wars. Isaac, who portrays Poe Dameron in the film, has talked in the past how he once dressed as a Gonk Droid and how much his family also loves the Saga. Oscar specifically describes his Uncle, Guillermo, as "the biggest Star Wars fan". In a new featurette released by Lucasfilm, Isaac tells a story about during filming of The Force Awakens he introduced his uncle to director J.J. Abrams. Abrams, already familiar with his passion for Star Wars, offered to put Guillermo in the film. You can watch the video below:

Watch how a simple gesture completely changed the life of Oscar’s uncle, Guillermo
Posted by Star Wars Movies on Friday, January 8, 2016

Source: Star Wars(Facebook)

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