Every Star Wars movie introduces a range of new aliens to the galaxy, and The Force Awakens was no exception. The task of creating these new aliens for the new fell to Neal Scanlan, who headed up the creature shop on The Force Awakens. Scanlan spoke recently about his experience working on Star Wars with USA Today.
Scanlan said, "There were certain aliens that we made then, even during the shooting
process, clearly transcended from being just a background alien to
having an authority or likability." He added, "Should the human race of Star Wars die tomorrow, any one of these characters could take the mantle and become the next species that dominated the universe."
Scanlan also discussed the process for updating the looks of returning favorites like Admiral Ackbar and Nien Numb, saying the design was tweaked slightly "just to make them the way we remembered them as children. For today’s audience one has to do a little cosmetics on it but
make sure we didn’t lose the spirit or the personality."
Source: USA Today
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