Saturday, January 2, 2016

EW Unveils Official Stills Of Maz Kanata & Supreme Leader Snoke In 'The Force Awakens' (Updated!)

By: Benjamin Hart

Let's face it; it's been two weeks since the release of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Everyone's had plenty of time to see it in theaters, so now we can talking spoilers a bit more freely. Apparently Lucasfilm agrees because they just they just revealed two of The Force Awakens' most closely guarded secrets to the world. Entertainment Weekly just revealed two new stills from The Force Awakens, under Lucasfilm's authority, which feature looks at the mysterious Supreme Leader Snoke and the wise pirate Maz Kanata, portrayed via motion capture by Andy Serkis and Lupita Nyong’o, respectively. Both characters were kept under heavy wraps until the film premiered, but now it appears the powers that be are now willing to let the Lothcat out of the bag. The photos include two different looks at Snoke, along with a clear look at Maz. You can check them out above and below!

EW also spoke with Andy Serkis and Lupita Nyong’o about the roles, which you should definitely check out here!

Update: EW has revealed another image of Snoke:

Source: EW

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