Sunday, December 27, 2015

Lucasfilm's Pablo Hidalgo Reveals What 'The Force Awakens' Was Almost Titled

By: Dominic Jones

While Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens is out shattering box office records, Lucasfilm Story Group Member Pablo Hidalgo revealed that the film almost had a very different title.  At one point, the title "Shadow of the Empire" was considered for Episode VII before the crew ultimately settled on The Force Awakens.  The title "Shadow of the Empire" is very close to a title of a Star Wars "Legends" novel, Shadows of the Empire, which was released in 1996.

Ultimately, I think they made the right call going with The Force Awakens.

Do you think they made the right choice?  Would rather Episode VII have been titled "Shadow of the Empire"? Or something else?  Let us know in the comments.

Source: Pablo Hidalgo (Twitter)
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Unknown said...

That book is great !!

DeanfromAustralia said...

Given that the film explores the notion of the Force actually awakening in an individual, the title fits. To have Shadow Of The Empire, the film would definitely have needed to focus more heavily on the First Order.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Shadow of the empire is better imo both work for the movie.

Unknown said...

Should've been "Shadow of A New Hope"

Unknown said...

I prefer Shadow of the Empire!!!!!

Unknown said...

if they had used that, and then didn't use the story from the novel, a lot of people would have been really mad!

Unknown said...

The Force Awakens works far better. It explains a little bit why the Force is so strong in Rey.

Unknown said...

I think that the next one, episode 8, should be something synonymous to that.

pyrat rip said...

Star Wars Ep. VIII Revenge of the Wookie...

Unknown said...

Hah! So true.

Unknown said...

Star wars Episode. VII The Phantom Feminist

Unknown said...

Next one should be called. Rise Of The Resistance

Rick Obert said...

Wait - even Shadows of the Empire is considered 'Legends'. I thought that one would have survived the purge.

Ryan said...

Episode VIII: The Resurrection, just kidding.

Demagogue said...

Episode 8 The Reckoning of the Resistance

Unknown said...

Anyone else notice the wrong dish on the Falcon in this art?

Unknown said...

Anyone else notice the wrong dish on the Falcon in this art?

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