Monday, December 21, 2015

JJ Abrams and Michael Arndt Discuss Why Kylo Ren Did What He Did

By: Dominic Jones

Warning: This story contains MAJOR SPOILERS from Star Wars: The Force AwakensIf you haven't seen it yet, stop reading now.
Even though many predicted it may happen, the ending of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was still a shock to all.  Seeing Han Solo stabbed by his son Ben "Kylo Ren" Solo and then falling to his death was an emotional and devastating twist for the film.  Director JJ Abrams and his co-screenwriters Lawrence Kasdan and Michael Arndt spoke about the reasoning behind this scene at a recent Writers Guild of America Q&A.
Abrams said,
“Long before we had this title, the idea of The Force Awakens was that this would become the evolution of not just a hero, but a villain.  And not a villain who was the finished, ready-made villain, but someone who was in process.” 
“All of us bring our own experiences to it.  As a father, as a friend to people who have children, I know what it’s like to see struggle, to be part of struggle. I know how painful it can be. I know how real it is. And this is, of course, an insane extrapolated version.” 

He also added, 
“It’s this massive tradeoff.  How can we possibly do that!? But… if we hadn’t done that, the movie wouldn’t have any guts at all. It felt very dangerous.”

Screenwriter Michael Arndt, who was involved in the early story process, added,
“In my early drafts, my thinking was we had to bridge the end of Return of the Jedi to what happens in this movie, and we didn’t want everybody to start off all together. We wanted them to be spread all throughout the galaxy.”
“We came up with a backstory that Luke had a pupil who turned against him and fought him, and killed all the other pupils, and that was a thing that exploded the family and destroyed Han and Leia’s relationship.”

“I had thought Han’s story and Leia’s story was just about them coming back together. At the end of the movie they would have reconciled and gotten over their differences. And you would have said, ‘Okay, bad stuff happened, but at least they’re back together again.  J.J. rightly asked, ‘What is Han doing in this movie?’ If we’re not going to have something important and irreversible happen to him, then he kind of feels like luggage. He feels like this great, sexy piece of luggage you have in your movie. But he’s not really evolving. He’s not really pushing the story forward.”

As for what it was like to be on set when the scene was filmed, Abrams said,
“It was really chilling.  Seeing these two actors, they weren’t chewing up the scenery. They were just doing this thing in a way that, frankly, was disturbing. To see Harrison reach out and touch Adam. I know this sounds stupid, but literally watching it, I forgot — I forgot that he wasn’t his son. He did it so beautifully.”

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Unknown said...

"‘What is Han doing in this movie?’ If we’re not going to have something important and irreversible happen to him, then he kind of feels like luggage. He feels like this great, sexy piece of luggage you have in your movie. But he’s not really evolving. He’s not really pushing the story forward.”"

...In what way did any of the other characters from the OT "evolve" in this film...?

Unknown said...

I completely understand why they did it this way. Why this decision was made. But it doesn't mean I have to like it. My biggest gripe is that I was fully expecting to see Luke, Han and Leia all together again. Side by side, like the old days. It didn't happen. And now it will never happen.

DeanfromAustralia said...

I struggled with the idea of Han's death in this film until I realized it was grief that I was feeling. It is such a powerful moment and it does do justice to Han's trajectory. But man...they killed my life long hero.

Talk about passing the torch.

Now I know why Harrison Ford has been so damned delightful on this press tour.

Liberty Never Sleeps said...

Seriously-- are you kidding? Yes Han's death could have been a great moment-- but it wasn't because we never saw Kylo as anything but a spoiled brat with anger management issues and assumed all along he was going to kill him. Really, the plot holes in this movie were huge.

Unknown said...

I'm fine with their decision to kill Han off in this manner. I would have liked for Chewbacca to have a much more significant role in those events however, possibly even sacrificing himself in an attempt to save him. Chewbacca is now the large piece of luggage they have to do something with. I also think having Leia in the film detracted from it rather than added to it. Carrie Fisher has not aged well at all and is incapable of portraying the aged, but still regal bearing that her character deserves. It was hard to watch her. I think they were hoping the weight of the story surrounding her, Han and Kylo would account for her worn and weary appearance, but honestly, she just looks old and her acting is really lacking at this point.

Mattia HPL Audi said...

That was a painful but awesome idea. I like Kylo Ren, i love how they studied the way he is struggling and how they showed the scene. At first we see his face lighted by two lights. A red one and a Blue one, then the sun turns off and on his face we see only the red one, because the dark sides prevailed, and then we can immediately know what will happen next. I knew it

Unknown said...

yeah but:

Melissa Messenger said...

It needed to explore why Ben hates Han so much. I hated that scene. I like Dean Mayes watched as my hero was killed. I feel the grief. What I didn't see was that grief being played or in the film by anyone other than Chewie.

I thought Han was pushing this story forward. He really didn't get a chance. Of well viii better have something bloody awesome to replace the gap they have created.

Unknown said...

Yeah, there were crazy plot holes, not necessarily story breaking to me but they were there

garethxxgod said...

Han Chewie and Luke were barely ever together in the Original Trilogy save the first film. Luke had his path and Han/Leia theirs. Why's it so shocking we didn't get to see them together in this?

Unknown said...

The killed off Han Solo, because Harrison Ford is close to being not just old, but elderly, and the films take a toll on him. He broke his leg in this one.

Unknown said...

We lost a childhood hero, it's hard to get over that, to forgive the writers for doing that to us, but for Kylo it was a huge step towards the dark, to his journey to the dark side it was important, how can we forgive him and how can he forgive himself? There is no way back now for any of us

Unknown said...

I think they want to show the other side now. We now have a girl Jedi, now we will have a mother-son conflict. There are still many questions to be answered in the next episodes and I think Leia will be seeing Leia in more scenes on the next movies in order to answer those questions.

Unknown said...

Harrison Ford has said for years he didn't want to play Han anymore.
I wouldn't be surprised if this had been a precondition to doing it. Of course I could be wrong

Chris Schnaudt said...
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Chris Schnaudt said...

They other ot characters were not heavily featured as Han. so he is saying that if we are going to have a Han centric movie then he has to evolve or change in some way otherwise like they said you just have this huge shiny toy in this iconic character. If the movie was leia or Luke heavy then the same would be true of them I believe.

Unknown said...

Film was poor. Not a patch on the originals.
Killing Han off is ok but not in such an obvious and cheesy way.
it was a poor rehash of the old films. Don't care about 8

Unknown said...

Those plot holes just made me more anxious to see episode 8. Maybe that didn't happen to me with episodes 4,5 & 6 because by the time I was born the trilogy was completed. But I think those movies left huge plot holes in their times.

Unknown said...

30+ yrs of war can do that to a person. The smokers voice definitely didn't sit well though

Unknown said...

Also, the fact that there is evil in him. He is still Darth Vader's grandson.

Tickelbur said...

Killing Han was fine. The way they did it was weak. You could see it coming a mile away. It felt tacked on; they didn't earn it. The actors did their best with the material they were given, but that scene could've been scripted and directed much better than it was. That's my biggest complaint with what was otherwise a good, solid Star Wars film.

Unknown said...

Personnally was very upset with this movie. Why did Han call him Ben, when they could have at least keep the correct name of Jacen.
A real shame for the authors that have writen super books for SW. I know it was going to mess up some of the SW universe, but not this badly.
This film did not get me as excited as all the other ones already made. Shame, but I hope that make the trilogy Into something good.

Unknown said...

jacen does not exist anymore.. read up ffs

Unknown said...

I like the concept of the nascent "Darth-in-training" having to make a sacrifice to further his descent into the dark side. It It looks like they may be manipulating some of the EU material with Kylo "Ben" Solo taking the place of Jacen Solo and Rey taking the place of either Jaina or Ben Skywalker. I just hope they are not going to have the parallels of Rey(young force user gets trained by jedi master) but a new story for a new generation.

jeditom said...

Definitely the film lacked heart. Killing off Han was inevitable but I think it was done in the wrong movie! And the plot hello!! Episode 4 any one? The safe road is not always the best. They thought that making the movie with similar plot points the fans were going to love it, come on!! I want to believe that they made does choices because episode 8 is going to awsome. One can only hope.

Ren said...

Of course it must have been a pre condition for Ford to accept coming back to a role he hated for so long. Besides he's getting old. It was sad u_u

Unknown said...

Neither does ben you moron

007-Spy said...
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007-Spy said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but poor???? The film did use story threads from the originals but the characters, script and pacing were that good it all blended very well and was in my opinion up there with the originals if not better than two of them. It also had a good balance between humour, action and emotion. Abrams was under a lot of pressure to deliver and judging off reviews he has certainly exceeded that.

triforcepower said...

This is why you should always go into a movie with low expectations.

Wombat said...

Why didnt Ben say anything when he killed his father??? He was asking for help, help for what? To go fully to the dark side, he should have said something like "by killing you, I have driven the last remaining good from me, now I can finish what my Grandfather started.

Unknown said...

So true. My wife and I discussed that ending all through to the next morning and it was then I realized I had been morning a life long friend. Not the iconic character but a true friend who's been with us all our lives. Well, especially all us first runs any way. It's hard but life continues and we must keep moving forward, good and bad. But always remember the good times.

LoneStar Trooper said...

I think this is it exactly. I believe when they first even brought the idea of a movie up to Harrison he told them the only way I do this is if you kill me off. He has wanted Han to die since Empire Strikes Back.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Even if Jacen does not exist anymore Laia and Han had two sons. Jacen and Anikin. Luke and Mara had a son they called Ben. So who is this character? And who is Rae? Why does she act like Jayna would have to see Laia? OK here goes. Every book written about Star Wars timelines between Episode Six And Seven is now wrong! All those books like Yuuzong Von Nom Amor to Unifying Force are wrong thanks to JJ. Very very upset, I am.

Unknown said...

I think a lot of people are completely missing the fact that Ben is torn. He has been seduced by the Dark Side so much that he is basically being controlled by Supreme Leader Snoke. I think Ben was sincere when he was confronted by Han, but the grip on him is so strong, he couldn't go with his father. It's so sad, but awesome. I love this so much. Kylo has such an edge about him, and I think the struggle he is going through is great. And the temper tantrums are just a manifestation of the frustration he is feeling. I can't wait to see what happens next and I am actually hoping that Ben turns to the Light, but instead of sacrificing himself as Anakin did, he turns good and lives, possibly opening things for another trilogy. You know Disney is going to keep going. They have a good thing and won't be able to stop.

Unknown said...

And those of you that are still latched on to the Expanded Universe books, you are all completely forgetting that Lucas said YEARS ago that if there were any sequels made, that they would NOT follow the books. I cannot remember exactly when or where he said that, but I remember it. I tried to tell people, mostly my friends and fellow Star Wars fans that several times for the last 15 to 20 years or so. I admit, there were some great things that happened in the books. But there was also a bunch of garbage. Again, sequels were never going to follow the books.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Get with the program, Disney said the moment they bought SW that all EU content was no longer Cannon and they were changing the events following RotJ

ChuckEaton said...

Cant be plot holes in the story when the entire story is yet to be played out yet! At the end of the trilogy, THEN lets discuss the plot holes. Till then, enjoy the brainstorming and fill in the missing pieces. My theories are exciting, and I hope they come to be true. Either way, RIP Han. You were the best darned SCRUFFY LOOKING NERF HERDER in the galaxy!

Unknown said...

So sick of the EU whining. Go watch Star Trek or something. Leave us to these movies, please.

Holly Goheavily said...

This film was not made for any of you! It was made for all of us! There will be niggles for each person but you have to be a grown up and accept that you can't make your own personal movie. I have my own gripes but overall it was a great film. I really don't understand all the Leia comments. She IS OLDER. What were you expecting? I thought she did superbly and deserves applause. I felt I was seeing an elder, her voice adds wisdom and she is a class act.

Unknown said...

well said holly agreed

Unknown said...

The EU never WAS considered canon.
How can anyone be upset with this movie borrowing from A New Hope when ROTJ copied the death star almost exactly. That movie was more of a copy than this. At least this one begins a new journey, adds to the story, and there are no Ewoks or Gungans.

electric5413 said...

Ben Kenobi was killed early in episode 4 and it was a necessary piece of the plot. The death of Han Solo better be necessary. Since the moment I saw Star Wars for the first time in 1980 at age 5, I have been a life long fan. I would have much rather have seen the heroes go off quietly into the night, like heroes do, but it is not my movie. I truly loved the movie up until the heart breaking demise of one of my all time favorite story characters. Although I have seen the Force Awakens three times, I am still not over the fact that Han is gone. This new trilogy better be good and worth the price of killing off Han... I did really love the new cast though.

Unknown said...

Even Luke was unable to kill his own father. How much more had the dark side taken from Kylo for him to bury that light and run his own father through. As we found, the Skywalker line is not into killing off it's family. Anikin lost it when his mom died, Anikin lost everything and became the cold Darth Vader we all know when Padme died. Luke couldn't kill his own father, Anikin turned back to the light and couldn't just sit and watch his son die. But Kylo . . . Ol'Kylo What kind of dark power must now be running through your soul after killing 1 of your own family and father. IMHO I think we can expect a truely dark and powerful Sith Lord that can and will overthrow the supreme leader and become the most powerful Sith master we have encountered. I am already ready for see Kylo's transformation.

livefree said...

Agreed that Harrison Ford is getting to old to do fight scenes and be that sexy, strong rebellious hero he was in The Trilogy. It would become uncomfortable to view and so what would they do with him? I suppose he could have become a Jubal Harshaw type character, But Han Solo should be raging around solar systems like a boss. That being said, I too am greiving the loss of a childhood hero.

Casiebobo said...

Leia, who hasn't been regal, has been leading the fronts of a war torn republic. She's supposed to be gruff, older, not a princess, but a general.

Da struggle is real.

Casiebobo said...

Haters are going to hate.

I don't know what yall expect, but I loved 7. No, it's not like watching star wars as a child, way back when, saw empire as a tot, but damn....I saw young and old flinch, laugh, and tear up....watching episode 7.

There was still the nostalgia, and it's a bridge. It was more star wars then the prequels. It's the opening to a new chapter after almost 40 years from the opening of a new hope.

Which was a guaranteed flop.

Why so much hate. Your favorite franchise is alive and progressive.

You can do better? Then write it. Push it. Do it.
Embrace it. It was great. Sure it had its moments, no star wars film has been without flaws.

Embrace the inner child. It's fun!.

Casiebobo said...

Haters are going to hate.

I don't know what yall expect, but I loved 7. No, it's not like watching star wars as a child, way back when, saw empire as a tot, but damn....I saw young and old flinch, laugh, and tear up....watching episode 7.

There was still the nostalgia, and it's a bridge. It was more star wars then the prequels. It's the opening to a new chapter after almost 40 years from the opening of a new hope.

Which was a guaranteed flop.

Why so much hate. Your favorite franchise is alive and progressive.

You can do better? Then write it. Push it. Do it.
Embrace it. It was great. Sure it had its moments, no star wars film has been without flaws.

Embrace the inner child. It's fun!.

Casiebobo said...

Leia, who hasn't been regal, has been leading the fronts of a war torn republic. She's supposed to be gruff, older, not a princess, but a general.

Da struggle is real.

Unknown said...

I wanted to believe he really wanted Hans help, as in kill me before I kill you

Pastor Dan said...

All plot points need not be resolved in one episode. It is easy to read what we know about Star Wars back into this episode and think that the writers or the story has fallen short.

I would just like to suggest that we try to watch TFA within the same box of naivete that one would have watched ANH. The first Star Wars did not explain everything. We had no idea who Darth Vader was. We didn't even know he was human in ANH. We had no idea what the Jedi were, how one became a Jedi, how long it took, or what their potential was. We didn't know or maybe even care why Vader was so evil - or that he could have a back story. This story is going somewhere. It was pretty clear why Ben killed his dad - it was his test to begin his training. We get to see an antagonist begin or continue his journey to the dark side. He is on his way - not fully developed, like the Vader we first experienced on the Tantive IV the first time we meet him (heck, we didn't even know the ship was called Tantive IV until the Expanded Universe!).

Han's death was necessary and even welcome - Abrams and co. told us why Ren was doing what he was doing and what it was accomplishing as it was happening - the light going out, the darkness taking over - no only on that bridge and above that chasm, but represented in the last bit of star going out and the shadow falling. It was excellent storytelling and movie making. We have to appreciate the art - told in a way that wasn't even possible with the first trilogy.

Many of the criticisms about the story that I have seen don't seem to take into account how the originals came to us - we didn't know the backstory. We didn't know all of the motivations behind the villians and the characters. All we heard of the Emperor is that he eliminated the Senate. All we knew of Tarkin was that he was a Governor (Grand Moff?!). All we knew of Leia is that she was a princess with no planet. When Vader claimed he was Luke's father many refused to believe it, and many kids fought about it on the playground until the summer of Return of the Jedi when someone trustworthy and wise, Yoda, verified the horrible truth.

This story has just begun and our generation of instant gratification wants to know the ending and the motivations - to me that is brilliant story telling. We have done exactly what a story means to do - react to it. My point is that Kylo Ren will easily become one of the greatest antagonists of this generation if the story continues to develop the way it did in TFA. Kylo is in need of redemption and we know exactly why - I was sad and happy when I left the theater - that's art. Great start.

What is different today than 1977 is the culture in which we live of binge watching and instant gratification. At first I was bummed that Luke doesn't say a word - I wanted to press the "watch next episode" button. But I don't get to. I have to wait over 500 days to find out what Luke will say after 30 years of absence. I wanted to see Kylo Ren face his master after suffering a horrible defeat - but like Vader spinning off into space - I am going to have to wait. I wanted to see Han have a proper burial - but like Kenobi - his remains will only be in the hearts of the characters.

I thought it was a great movie, great story-telling, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Great job JJ and Larry and Kathy. Disney, you let them rock it - and thank you for carrying on a great legacy for me and my kids to enjoy. Rock on.

Unknown said...

Well if Harrison Ford didn't want to continue acting in the "Star Wars" franchise, then I'm okay with it. Its sometimes better to do both "On With The Show" & then let them leave for good. Remember, Mr. Ford did get injured during the filming session(s) & so it might have been better for him in the long run.

Unknown said...

I think this is similar to how they did it in the expanded universe ("Legacy of the Force" series). In that story, Jacen Solo can't complete his path to the dark side and become Darth Caedus until he sacrifices something important to him (in this case Mara Jade Skywalker; his aunt and Luke's wife).

Kylo killing Han seems to parallel that exactly. That's why Kylo asked for Han's help and then thanked him after killing him. Sacrificing his own father, who he obviously loved, was his final test. He's committed to the dark side. It makes perfect sense in my opinion.

Unknown said...

They got it carried on from the books in the one of the books Han n Leia got married and got three kids the twins Anikin solo they been tought by Luke Skywalker the ways of the force. The boy of the twins turned to the dark side like his grandfather

Unknown said...

Since when do heroes "go off quietly into the night"???

Unknown said...

I don't understand why people keep misspelling Anakin's name. It's not that difficult, people.

Soundfx4 said...

This is idiotic. I'm sorry, but JJ is wrong about this. There was absolutely NO reason to do this yet, maybe at all. If they were going to do this, they should have waited until the third of this next series. We JUST started to reconnect with solo and they killed him. Seriously!? It'd been so long since the originals that it would take more than just 3/4 of a movie to completely reconnect with him. This was not only a terrible move, but pointless. It's the only thing I hated any the new movie. And yes, it made it worse, not better.

mosfet74 said...

All the people who worked so hard on this movie did a wonderful job. I hope that every decision they made was followed, "oh well, you can't please everybody." Because if they wasted time trying to please some of you armchair movie critics and butthurt star wars fans there wouldn't have been a new trilogy.

Unknown said...

Liked the movie, expected Han to die, (I'm convinced that Ford wouldn't have been in the film, otherwise) and if I'm sick of anything, it's the half-assed, pathetic excuses people have been bending over backwards to pull out of their asses to criticize the film. Either enjoy it or shut up, people!

Matt said...

Wow not reading all these comments but I felt like Han knew he had to die and Ben knew he had to kill him while Fin and Rey watched. Just like Ben Kanobi knew he had to die by the hand of Vader while Luke watched. It is these 2 moments that set everything in the motion they need to go.

Vader the White said...

Han Solo was one of my childhood heroes. I mean, he's Han Solo, darn it. While I have been fearing this moment for most of the waiting for the release of the film, while I screamed, "NO!" when it happened, while I was actually in shock for a few moments, I am not angry at the filmmakers. It worked. It was a major moment for developing the new villain, it was the final part in Han Solo's story (do you think the selfish man in that cantina so long ago would have tried to redeem his fallen son?), and it tells us two things. The first is that our heroes are mortal. They will eventually die. This actually made the duel later on much more exciting as I was actually concerned with Finn's survival when he was slashed in the back. The second is that this isn't the story of Luke, Han, and Leia. This is the story of a new generation, the passing of the torch. Hell, this is something that the EU never really did. It showed courage to do this. And it is wiser than most are admitting.

Also, a few comments at a few individuals.
1) It is Anakin, not Anikin. Not that hard, people.
2) Some of you are complaining how Kylo Ren's birth name isn't Jacen or how it doesn't follow the EU that closely. Disney said that that nothing of the old EU is canon (though some elements have returned, including Rakata Prime, which makes me happy as KotOR is my favorite Star Wars game). I was worried, deeply worried about this happening, but when it did, I just let it go, which surprised me.
3) Okay, to the person who said that Carrie Fisher hasn't aged well. People age. Deal with it. And honestly, I enjoyed her performance. The differences between what she did in the original trilogy and now makes sense in context. It has been thirty years between Jedi and The Force Awakens (both in universe and in reality). She's older and she isn't a princess any more, she's a general. There are going to be differences.

Unknown said...

I have told everyone that I gave it a 3 out of 4. Didnt really reach out and grab me. The movie was obviously HEAVILY edited for time management and left HUGE holes the made me wonder what the? who the? and what is going on? I understand that was always a Lucas thing BUT even Lucas gave more back story or plot explanations then this one did. Definitely Not paying theatre price for anymore. Will wait for the debut on TV for further instalmments-cheaper that way, like this series has become.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for killing a childhood. You misguide us with trailers of hope, then drop us in the middle of a theater full of young unknown people that weren't even born in 1977. But I guess $$$ is the reason.

W. Hawatky said...

all i'm reading is a bunch of whiny fanboys crying about their favorite character dying. i'm sure Rian Johnson will have a nice, feelsy funeral to open VIII for all of y'all *passes the kleenex*

the star wars story is about the Skywalker family and therefore Ben Solo is, fundamentally, a more important character than Han Solo... so furthering his "sith" studies by murdering his father not only makes perfect thematic sense for his arc but is also a powerful device for engaging the audience (as evidenced by all the grief "OMG NOT HANS, HE'S MY FAVE!" and "I HATE KILO HE IS A WHINY HORRIBLE BASTARD, HE ISNT' EVEN AS POWRFULL AS VADAR I HATE HIM!!! OMG") whether they intended to be or not. Besides, moving forward, it isn't as though Han is going to bring balance to the force. He can't be the light in the darkness. That's not his role. Ben who is a bit of both light side and dark side (like all Skywalker men) is the focus and serves as a parallel to Rey... unlike the OT where Luke (and thus the Rebellion) and Vader (and thus the Empire) are a David and Goliath tale, the First Order and the Resistence are right now on equal footing.

As for not liking the movie, that's fair... there are things that aren't done particularly well (the 2nd act was plagued by funky pacing, a completely unnecessary rathtar action sequence, and not enough exposition on the New Republic before Alderaaning the entire system)... but whining about childhoods being killed sounds like a personal problem more than anything else.

Unknown said...

My problem with the way it was handled was I just find Kylo Ren a weak-as-well-water bad guy. They threw Han Solo away to give street cred to a guy who immediately went out into the woods and proceeded to get his ass handed to him by Finn and Rey, two people who had never used a Lightsaber before. If the ground had not cracked open at such a fortunate spot at just the right time the Kylo Ren would have been killed. They did a piss-poor job of establishing Ren as anything but a whiny teenager who hated his parents for buying him the wrong colored Porsche for his 16th Birthday.

Unknown said...

i think Abrams did the star wars lore a BIG injustice by using Ben solo as supposedly Han and leias son when he was Luke skywalker and Mara jades son he should have been Jacen solo not Ben solo because Ben solo never exsited in star wars lore i expected Han to die but was hoping it would have at least ben in 8 not 7.

W. Hawatky said...

use more punctuation, less EU fanboy and merry christmas

Unknown said...

use less grammar Nazi and go I am madly in love with Jar Jar Binks... dont tell anyone but I have an engagement ring in my dresser yourself

Unknown said...

Please they killed him because Ford has been trying to get rid of his reputation as Han Solo for almost 40 years. He HATES Star Wars and has said it himself. That's why Kylo "did what he did".

Dave said...

There isn't much I liked about this movie. In fact, nothing comes to mind right now. Extremely disappointed.

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