Saturday, October 17, 2015

ESPN Caribbean Confirms New 'The Force Awakens' Trailer Coming During Monday Night Football

By: Dominic Jones

Reports have been flowing in for the past several weeks that a new trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens would debut on Monday October 19th during Monday Night Football on ESPN.  Now the ESPN Caribbean Twitter account has now confirmed the reports are true and we can expect the trailer on Monday during the game between the Giants and the Eagles.  See the tweet below,

UPDATE:  The Tweet has since been deleted, fortunately our pals at managed to grab this screenshot,
The tweet also confirm the reports that a new poster will be debuting tomorrow! If there was any doubt about what Star Wars fans should be watching on Monday night, this settles it.  Time to get excited!

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Big Benn Klingon said...

Monday Night Football? It feels a bit like a "Hey bro's, Star Wars isnt for nerds anymore" move.

BadTucker said...

^^^ haga
What's this UK time?

Vader the White said...

Yeah, no amount of Star Wars will get me to watch football. I'll just wait for it to be posted on YouTube five seconds later.

Unknown said...

I guess that is one way to draw in a different crowd. Seems like a smart move, it will get a lot of eyeballs of the new trailer, but I think I'll just watch it online. Hopefully it will be posted simultaneously by official sources- don't want to watch bootleg copies.

Unknown said...

I hate football... But I'll do it for the Star Wars.

Unknown said...

Someone got fired from ESPN Caribbean.... 😅

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