As we approach the official release date for all The Force Awakens toys on September 4th, "Force Friday", leaks from the event are coming faster and more intense. Last week Toys"R"Us was caught selling Episode VII merchandise in some of their stores. Now it seems we may have our first look at two 6-inch Black series action figures from The Force Awakens.
The first comes from Tim Veekhoven on Twitter(via The Star Wars Post) and shows a partial look at a Kylo Ren Black series figure and his tri-saber:
In addition, Jedi Temple Archives got their hands on a photo of a Finn figure 6-inch figure:
I must stress, although these figures do look legitimate, we have no way of confirming how real they are. Some suggest they may be customs, while others believe them to be the real deal. Nevertheless, we suggest you take this with not just a grain, but a handful of salt until these figures are officially revealed on Force Friday next month.
Sources: Tim Veekhoven(Twitter), Jedi Temple Archives
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