Saturday, June 13, 2015

Rumor: Details About Greg Grunberg's Character In 'The Force Awakens' Revealed

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By: Benjamin Hart

Apart from the major cast members, such as John Boyega and Daisy Ridley, we've come to know several actors that will have presumably minor roles in The Force Awakens. One of which is Greg Gunberg, who is a life long friend of director J.J. Abrams and best know for his performance in the TV series Heroes. Who exactly Grunberg is playing in the film remains a mystery, but some new clues about his character have turned up which could give us some ideas. Back in May Star Wars 7 News reported that Grunberg appeared on a Nerdist Podcast and revealed some small but intriguing details about his character. Be warned, minor SPOILERS follow if you don't want to know anything about The Force Awakens:

  • He has signed for three movies.
  • He shot for 7 weeks in London at Pinewood.
  • He is not a CG character.
  • He has facial hair.
  • He has no prosthetics.
  • He never read the whole script. It was on red paper.
  • There will be an action figure with his character.
  • The actors had to wear cloaks while walking towards the set.

And to add to this, apparently Greg Grunberg attended a convention where a fan made, life sized version of the Millennium Falcon cockpit was on display. Chris Lee, the founder and leader of the team that built the cockpit(and is proceeding to build the entire ship as well), recalled in a video released late last year that Grunberg visited their display and divulged some details about Episode VII to him and his team. One of which was that his character “spends a significant amount of time in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon" in The Force Awakens.

We don't have a lot to go on here, but it's something. The fact that Greg Gunberg's character is on board the Millennium Falcon extensively could mean several things. We've heard that Han and Chewie are not in possession of the Falcon at the begining of Episode VII, and Han's now infamous line, "Chewie, we're home" emphasizes that idea. Could Grunberg's character be the current owner of the Millennium Falcon? Who knows! As always, these are simply rumors until confirmed by Lucasfilm, so don't take them too seriously.

All will be revealed when Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens comes to big screens everywhere December 18th!

Sources: Star Wars 7 News,, YouTube
Via: Star Wars 7 News

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