Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Stephen Colbert Reacts to New Star Wars Trailer, Responds to New Lightsaber Criticism

By: Dominic Jones

Comedy icon and huge Star Wars fan Stephen Colbert was just as excited about the teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens as the rest of us were.  So excited, that he dedicated the first portion of his show, The Colbert Report, to talking about it!  After talking about his history with Star Wars and how he has been a Star Wars fan for two weeks longer than anyone else (true story), he tackled the issues surrounding the new lightsaber seen in the film and explained how it actually is a good idea.

You can watch the entire episode, if you are in the US, here and, if you are in Canada, here.

Everyone else can watch Colbert's response to the lightsaber below,

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Markdphotoguy said...

I'll bet the blade is one blade being split using a beam splitter and that the hilt blades can be adjusted in size to be longer by limiting the length on the main blade. This would allow the saber to be used as a double baded saber, baton saber, and if the T portion of the hilt could rotate at high speed then it could also be a lightsaber sheild for deflecting heavy blaster fire back at the enemy. Just a thought. I think its cooler than we all initially think.

Unknown said...

Bullsh*t because the 2 small light sabers are bigger than the cover so they should destroy it when it's on, any arguments are invalid

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Alas, he is not as big a fan as he makes out to be, making a padawan error 0.28 second into this......
he describes the Lightsaber as a Jedi weapon, when, as any true fan knows that any Red bladed Lightsaber is a Sith Weapon, due to the use of Synthetic lightsaber crystals, as opposed to the Adegan and Ilum crystals favored by the Jedi. Almost all synthetic crystals used by the Sith featured a red coloration.........

Jammet said...


Unknown said...

Alas, Andrew Wright, the jedi created the sith, thus it is a jedi weapon. Mind blown.

Unknown said...

oh and btw, $20 bucks says he wields that saber like a claymore and breaks through a jedi saber.

YagamiJase1800 said...

I guess I'm a nerf herder then.

Unknown said...

The new sabre design is centered around sensation. Newer, Bigger, Better, Faster, Fatter, Stupider. I hope the rest of the Star Wars lore is treated with more respect.

drock1317 said...
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drock1317 said...

This fixes everything http://i.imgur.com/1STDEa3.gif

narcotect said...

its called Science 'Fiction' .. get a life, relax, and just enjoy the adventure idiots..

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