Monday, December 1, 2014

Confirmed: Andy Serkis Is The Voice In 'The Force Awakens' Teaser


By Chris Seekell

This morning the popular American news program Good Morning America which airs on the Disney owned ABC network confirmed that Andy Serkis is indeed the talent behind the teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens that was released globally last week.

Serkis said the words: "There has been an awakening... have you felt it? The Dark side... and the Light."

In case you have been frozen in carbonite over the weekend, you can catch the trailer here.

Good Morning America also pointed out an interested tidbit about the teaser trailer. Apparently the final sound of a lightsaber igniting at the end of the clip was lifted from the scene in A New Hope where Luke Skywalker ignites the iconic weapon for the first time.

Update: Video of the reveal can be seen below:

Source: Good Morning America

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