By: Dominic Jones
The final release of completed episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is upon us. The box set for Season 6 aka The Lost Missions hits shelves this Tuesday! The box set includes all 13 episodes released on Netflix earlier this year, the four story reels released on, and the 16 minute documentary about the making of the series. We've got two preview clips for you to enjoy. The first is from the episode Sacrifice and the second is called "The Vault" and is from the 16 Minute Documentary. Check them out below,
Also check out this album of publicity stills from 'The Lost Missions'
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 'The Lost Missions' hits shelves on Tuesday November 11th. Be sure to check back to this weekend for my review of the box set, and on Monday to find out how you can win a free copy, plus several other great prizes!
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