Friday, November 7, 2014

Christina Chong Talks Episode VII: The Force Awakens


By: Benjamin Hart

Several months back actress Christina Chong was rumored to be a part of the cast of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Since then her management agency confirmed her involvement, but we haven't heard any more details, or gotten an official confirmation from Lucasfilm. But just a few days ago she opened up to the London Evening Standard about her role in the film. Here's a couple excerpts from their article:

"Few things can cause a hush to fall over a room like admitting you did not watch Star Wars as a child, but coming from Christina Chong it is quite a revelation. For the actress is about to star in the latest film, Episode VII. Don’t worry — she has caught up now. “My boyfriend is a huge Star Wars fan and kept saying I needed to watch it. I was busy doing my thing but got round to watching when I knew I was auditioning. I thought I was going to be watching this dated film but it’s brilliant and timeless. I absolutely loved it.”"

"Those in charge of the Star Wars publicity juggernaut have told Chong she has to be careful and not divulge too much about her role until the hotly awaited film is out next year but she will be working with just about everyone, from Harrison Ford to Carrie Fisher and fellow Londoner Daisy Ridley. “Unfortunately, all I can say is it was incredible to be involved. It is probably the biggest film in cinema history and to be part of that is amazing. People are very fond of it.” Her nieces and nephews are big fans of the originals and do the Chewbacca voice — although Chong won’t."

Christina is best know for her roles in such TV series as Doctor Who and 24: Live Another Day along with several films. In addition to acting, she is also very accomplished at Parkour, similarly to fellow Episode VII star Pip Anderson. How their abilities may come to be used in The Force Awakens is yet to be determined. At the very latest we'll find out  when Episode VII: The Force Awakens opens in theaters on December 18th, 2015!

Source: London Evening Standard

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