Sunday, November 30, 2014

Report: Two New Members of the 'The Force Awakens' Cast Discovered

By: Dominic Jones

With principle photography completed on Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, it seems like more actors are going to come out of the woodwork and reveal that they're in the movie (or at least they'll put in on their resume).  The BBC's Lizo Mzimba uncovered two new actors who've added The Force Awakens to their resume, Tony Bailey and Sam Carr.  Bailey lists his part as "Stormtrooper," whereas Carr lists his part as "Padawan."  Mr. Mzimba also tweeted that James McArdle's resume said he would be playing a character named "Xavier" in the film, although that seems to have since been removed from his resume.
We must say we are very excited for these actors to have been included in the film.  Carr's part is especially intriguing.  Calling him a padawan suggests there is some kind of Jedi Order in the new films, despite the fact that all rumors point to Luke Skywalker being a recluse when the film opens.  It will be interesting to see how all of this pans out on December 18th, 2015.

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