Sunday, November 30, 2014

Echo Base Media December 2014 Signing: DEE BRADLEY BAKER


Echo Base Media has announced its latest private autograph signing, featuring DEE BRADLEY BAKER. Dee has over thirty memorable voice roles from Star Wars: The Clone Wars including the Clone Troopers and bounty hunter Bossk. He also voices Ephraim Bridger, Old Jho, and Admiral Kassius Konstantine in Star Wars Rebels. Dee will be signing various LFL-licensed photographs as well as fans' send-in items, and this private signing opportunity will benefit The Wounded Warrior Project.

From Echo Base Media:

Echo Base Media is proud to announce that we will be hosting an exclusive private autograph signing with Star Wars: The Clone Wars voice talent DEE BRADLEY BAKER! Dee Bradley Baker is known for hundreds of voice roles in various animation and video games including Klaus in American Dad!,Perry the Platypus in Phineas and Ferb, and Appa & Momo in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Dee joined the Star Wars universe in 2008 when he started voicing the Clone Troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film release. In the beloved animated series that followed, Dee has over thirty additional voice roles such as Separatist strategist Admiral Trench, Jedi Council member Saesee Tiin, and fan-favorite Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk.

All autograph proceeds are being directed to The Wounded Warrior Project.

Dee will be signing various photographs and fans’ personal items.

Click here for full details and to place your order!

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