We're back with another edition of In Case You Missed It! We're super excited to wrap an especially spectacular week of Star Wars news this time. The Force wakes up, Threepio sets our expectations high, Tarkin returns, more #CumberWatch, Harry Potter strikes back, Clone Wars soundtrack, all about that base and Harrison Ford doesn't do bouncy castles. Read on an get caught up...
Episode VII Has a Title
Yes, the most anticipated movie of this century finally has a name! And it is... The Force Awakens!
Bob Iger Discusses The Origin Of 'The Force Awakens' Title
What's in a name? The Disney chief has some interesting details for us.
Episode VII's R2-D2 Revealed
It seems Artoo was one of the celebs that showed up at the Episode VII wrap party last week. Unfortunately he's still dirty from filming.
Anthony Daniels Believes Episode VII Will Top 'Empire'
Even though the odds of it being true may be 3,720 to 1, Threepio is confident that The Force Awakens will be better than The Empire Strikes Back.
Christina Chong Talks Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Lucasfilm has yet to confirm her role in Episode VII, but that didn't stop the actress from openly discussing her involvement.
Daniel Radcliffe Talks About Visiting the Set of 'The Force Awakens' on Conan
We recently heard that Harry Potter himself made it onto the set, but now we got even more details about his visit to Pinewood.
New Star Wars Rebels 'Out of Darkness' Previews
Hera and Sabine go on their own, private adventure in the next episode of Rebels!
'The Clone Wars: The Lost Missions' Box Set Preview
We're getting that much closer to having that much sought after Season six box set!
'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Seasons 1-6 Soundtrack Available for Pre-Order
We've been pleading and begging for it for years, and now it's finally happening! An album full of Kevin Kiner's fantastic Clone Wars scores is coming soon!
'Star Wars: Tarkin' Audio Excerpt Read by Stephen Stanton
Wilhuff Tarkin is brough to life in this fantastic excerpt from the upcoming novel.
New Variant Cover for 'Star Wars #1' Revealed
So... Does this mean Jaxxon is canon now?
New 'Lords of the Sith' Publisher's Summary
Get the scoop on Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine's "road trip novel".
Pop Culture
Team Unicorn and Nerdist Present: 'All About That Base: No Rebels'
The cosplay group teamed up with the Nerdist to create this awesome parody of Meghan Trainor's hit song.
The State Of Luke Skywalker In Episode VII
Does Luke go into hiding? If so, why? We might just have an answer to that.
One Minute Episode VII Teaser Trailer Is Coming Very Soon
So, a teaser trailer for The Force Awakens could be coming very soon. How cool is that?
'The Force Awakens' Storyboard Segment Description
Read the description of a grim, bloody scene from Episode VII.
#Cumberwatch: Benedict Cumberbatch to Have a Cameo in Episode VII?
It looks the insanely talented and popular actor may have finally made it to a Galaxy far, far away.
Also check out...
- The latest SWU Podcast, where we break down The Force Awakens, Rebels & more!
- Darth Daddy's newest Customizing Corner, focused on the creations of ASIS!
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