Thursday, November 27, 2014

EXCLUSIVE: Image of 'The Force Awakens' Droid Revealed!

By: Dominic Jones

We at The SWU are very excited to share with you guys an exclusive piece of concept art, given to us by a source close to the production, of a droid from the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.  This droid we believe will play a significant role in the new film.  While I wouldn't qualify this as a major spoiler, if you don't want to know anything about The Force Awakens before it comes out then stop reading now.  This is your official SPOILER ALERT!
Check out the droid below,
Those of you that have been following the The Force Awakens rumors will notice that image lines up perfectly with previous descriptions of the droid which stated, "The droid is barely boot high. The body is probably a little bigger than a basketball. The body is round, of course. The head is probably as big as a cantaloupe. The droid’s body is white and grey. However, the highlight markings are orange. No matter how the design changes, the head features a big black lens for an eye. The head is somewhat similar to a Pit Droid in some concept with Artoo-Detoo markings and features. The head is a dome like that of an Artoo unit in most designs.  

In addition, it lines up perfectly with this mock up the droid our friends over at posted early this week,

We believe this droid will belong to Daisy Ridley's character (whom is rumored to be named "Kira") and will be featured throughout the film (in a R2-D2-esque role).

Hear our analysis of the concept art on this week's SWU Podcast!

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