Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Debbie Reynolds Confirms Bille Lourd's Appearance in 'The Force Awakens'

By: Dominic Jones

We've been hearing for a while that Carrie Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd will be appearing in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.  Now it seems we have our confirmation.  Lourd's grand mother, Debbie Reynolds appeared in Las Vegas this past week and let it slip that Lourd would be appearing in the film.  According to Vegas Seven, "Debbie mentioned that Carrie and Billie had been working on Star Wars: Episode VII–The Force Awakens with “Harrison Ford… and the other boychik.”

There you have it.  That's probably as close to a confirmation about Lourd's involvement in The Force Awakens.  It's nice to see that Star Wars is a family thing for the cast, as well as the fans!

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