Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rumor: 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' The Lost Missions Blu-Ray Box Set Cover Revealed

By: Dominic Jones

It seems more and more certain that a Blu-Ray/DVD release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season Six 'The Lost Missions' is imminent., who first reported that the set would be announced in three weeks almost two weeks ago, have come across the cover for the box set.  The image apparently comes from a retailer.  Check out below (and no, we don't have a larger image.  Sorry),
I must say, if that's the cover, then I love it!  Now we just have to wait for the actual announcement...

As always this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.

Source: The Digital Bits

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kenkraly2004 said...

I like the cover artwork that is if it is real. Sure some are not going to like it but for me it's decent.

Unknown said...

Yeah it is a nice cover however I would prefer if they retained the old style of one character on the front.

Unknown said...

Its ok, I just thought they would put more episodes like the bounty hunter or utapau arc on there. Im curious if they are going to put the interviews and deleted scenes on there like the previous seasons.

Anonymous said...

I will freely admit that I am complete bias for him, but seeing as how he was such an important part of the first story arc, why not have ARC Trooper Fives on the cover?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hopefully if a lot of people buy the season 6 blu-ray (which will most likely happen), the show will come back. Maybe on netflix,, or blu-ray.

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