Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rumor: Description of Daisy Ridley's Home in Episode VII

Photo credit: Star Wars Daisy Ridley on Facebook
By: Dominic Jones

Our friends over at have a very interesting new rumor about where we'll be finding one of our heroes in Episode VII.  The description below is reportedly for the home of Daisy Ridley's character.  Now, as always, we won't know if it's true or not until the film comes out but if you're worried about potential spoilers then stop reading now.  This is you official SPOILER ALERT!
Here's what Making Star Wars has to say,
On a desert planet, there’s a canyon, sandy and brown. In front of the canyon is a downed AT-AT walker, laying on its side. A young girl sits atop of the mechanical beast’s head. She gazes outward towards the end of the canyon where her hopes and dreams may one day be realized, not unlike Luke Skywalker yearning for more from his mundane life.  For now, this is her home, the wreckage of years of intergalactic warfare. The legs of the AT-AT are partially obscured by sand at the “ankles” but pop out at the feet. This walker has been there for some time and nature has began to take the machine into the earth. The AT-AT lays on its left side, its head leveled by the dirt from which its head smashed into during a battle some time ago. The right side of the body of the AT-AT faces upwards, battle scared, shot by many laser blasts which no doubt brought the machine down. Battle wreckage is littered all around the fallen beast. This is the dwelling of the new hero from Star Wars: Episode VII.

The underbelly has large pieces of cloth draped over it to protect the dwelling from the environment. A small ship is hidden inside the belly, like a garage. In the distance you can see TIE-Fighters which have been downed into the sane. AT-ST head sits, its body below the dirt. You can see another AT-AT body in the distance, its coverings eroded away with time.

Very interesting.  It definitely gives more credence to the theory that the big round thing from the very first leaked set photo is an AT-AT foot (see below).
This report does, however, call into question the theory that she's playing a Solo.  What would the child of Han and Leia be doing living out on a desert planet yearning for adventure?  It's not impossible, but it require some inter sting character motivation.  we'll just have to wait until December 18, 2015 to find out!

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Unknown said...

She's probably there for a jedi trial.

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