Friday, October 3, 2014

Hera & Sabine Fight Creatures In New 'Rebels' Clip

By: Benjamin Hart

With only mere hours left until the premiere of the series, The Wrap has provided us with a new clip from Star Wars Rebels! Although it's unknown which episode this clip is from, it features Hera Syndulla(Vanessa Marshall) and Sabine Wren(Tiya Sircar) investigating a debri cluttered hanger bay where they are subsequently attacked by strange creatures. Check out it below:

The Wrap also spoke with Vanessa Marshall about her role:

“Hera embodies just the right amount of moxie, fierce intelligence and unending compassion,” Marshall told TheWrap. “Her fearlessness along with her nurturing spirit inspire me. I am honored to voice such a strong female role model, and I hope that her journey and her commitment to standing up for what is right serves as a powerful example for us all.”

What's really interesting and awesome about the clip is the inclusion of downed ARC-170 Starfighters and Republic Gunships from The Clone Wars. Being that Rebels Executive producer Dave Filoni and his a large portion of his crew previously worked on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, this is a nice nod to that series and a great way to connect everything together. Also, any guesses on what planet this could be? Leave yours in the comments below.

The premiere episode of Star Wars Rebels, "Spark Of Rebellion", is coming to the Disney Channel tonight(Friday) at 9pm ET/PT. Be sure to tune in to that and be on the lookout for more episodes, especially the one this clip is from, coming to Disney XD in the following weeks.

Source: The Wrap

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Bob Jones said...

Abafar obviously.

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