Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Adam Driver: Episode VII is "All About Character and Story"

By: Dominic Jones

Star Wars Episode VII star Adam Driver spoke with The Wall Street Journal this past week while promoting his new film Hungry Hearts which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival this week.   Naturally the topic of Star Wars came up and Driver discussed his first meeting with JJ Abrams about being in the film.

Driver said,
"I’ve never done anything on this scale before. It’s a very exciting project to be involved with. I love it. When I first met J.J. [Abrams, director], it was all about character and story. That was the first thing out of his mouth, so that’s what we’ve been working on. So, even though it is a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, it’s still very human. It’s not taking a back seat to effects or the spectacle of it."

It's good to hear that, as we expected, the focus of Episode VII is the story and not solely the visuals.  Yes, the visuals have always been a major focal point in Star Wars, however they have always been in support of the story.  From what Driver is saying, it sounds like Episode VII will keep that trend going!

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