Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Video: Bringing Chopper to Life


By: Lillian Skye

Chopper, an astromech from Star Wars Rebels made of scrap and spare parts who has a quirky attitude to match, has a growing fan base now that he's rolled off of the screen and into the halls of Lucasfilm. 

The "real" Chopper was built by Michael McMaster, who has been in the R2 Builders Club since 2001. All of the parts used to make the astromech had to be hand made, and the droid took about 87 days to complete. McMaster compares Chopper to a swiss army knife, since he has so many "goodies," moving parts, and features.

"It's just always weird when you draw something on a piece of paper and then months later you're staring at it," said Star Wars Rebels executive producer  Dave Filoni when he first met the "real life" Chopper. "I love it."

Ever since his creation, Chopper has been spending time at Lucasfilm and has made appearances at promotional events as well as Star Wars Weekends, and is  scheduled to appear at Celebration Anaheim next year.

Check out the video below to see how McMaster brought Chopper to life…and keep watching to see new footage of of Chopper causing trouble in Rebels:

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