Tuesday, June 24, 2014

'Star Wars: Commander' Mobile Strategy Game Announced

By: Benjamin Hart

Disney and Lucasfilm have been working hard to release many new mobile Star Wars games as of late! Now the Disney Interactive Tumblr has announced a new mobile strategy game titled Star Wars: Commander. It's said to feature "characters, locations and technology" from the Galaxy far, far away and will be released world wide on IOS, Android and Windows devices this Summer, with limited early access being given to select international markets.

Other than that, nothing is said about the actual content or gameplay of the game. Since it's being touted as a strategy game, I personally hope for something in the same vein as Empire At War, which is a game that is sorely in need of a sequel/reboot. The name certainly invokes a connection to an even earlier Star Wars strategy game, Star Wars: Force Commander.

Nevertheless, it's definitely a great time to be a Star Wars fan, and a Star Wars gamer!

Source: Disney Interactive

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Unknown said...

Star Wars: Commander is a Clash of Clans style game where the player builds and upgrades a base while collecting resources (in this case, alloy and credit) and defending/attacking other players. There are a number of single player missions to assist you along the way, but these are completed rather quickly, leaving you to fend for yourself early on.

After a few preliminary missions to establish your base, you are asked to either side with the Imperials or Rebels. I choose the Imperial, because, hey, Darth Vader is cool. The choice decides the type of units you can use, vehicles available, and art style of your base. The Imperial bases look pretty cool, all metal and darkness, while the Rebel bases I have attacked look more like desert colonies. Imperial troops in Storm Troopers, Dark Trooper (tanks for knocking out turrets), Scouts (for looting alloy and credit storage), Dewback mounted Storm Troopers (for knocking down walls) and repair droids. Vehicles include AT-ST, Speeder Bike, 2-M Hover Tank, AT-MP (new walker design), and AT-AT. There are also hero units - at a level four base level, I have only gained access to a Veteran AT-ST. These kick on serious ass, even if they are a little pricey to build.

AI in this game is a major let down. Troops seem to pick a predetermined path to their next target. If a single,unconnected piece of wall is on that path, the troops will stand and shoot the wall, even if getting blown away by a nearby turret or could easily walk around the wall segment. I have never struck this problem in Clash of Clans, and can make attacks very frustrating.

Overall, I did enjoy this game, AI issues aside. I have advanced my Command Centre to Level 4, and I am about to start upgrading it to level 5. I believe Level 5 may be the top level for upgrades at the moment, but I cannot confirm this. Finding information on this game on the internet is a little difficult, and the official website leaves a lot to be desired.

There are the usual offers to purchase crystals in this game, as there are with similar games. Crystals can be used to speed along upgrades, buy more worker droids for building, or exchanged for alloy and/or credits. I haven't bought any crystals and really don't intend to at the moment - I haven't found the need.

This game rates a 7/10 - I enjoy Clash of Clans, so a Star Wars version of this was always going to be a winner with me. If the AI bugs and slow loading issues can be ironed out, this can be a great game!


Unknown said...

Looking for people. Rebel alliance. We are a new clan looking for active, fun people that will donate. Our clan name is JDC. Come join now!

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