By: Lillian Skye
Since reports have shown that Ford requires up to six months in rehab after the accident on set where he broke his leg while filming at Pinewood Studios in England, many believed that Oscar Isaac would have a larger role in Episode VII since a source told the New York Post that, "They are now beefing up Oscar's role to be bigger with Harrison [Ford] injured."
However, according to Philly, "Star Wars bosses," have denied the reports that have suggested that director J.J. Abrams is expanding actor Oscar Isaac's role in Episode VII, despite Harrison Ford's on-set injury that put him in rehab.
A representative for Disney denied the rumor about Isaac's role being expanded, stating: "This is categorically not true."
Despite Ford's injury, Star Wars Episode VII is still expected to hit theatres December 2015.
Sources: Philly
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